Thursday, May 1, 2008

Media Literacy Alert!

For my outreach project, I decided to create a short Powerpoint presentation on Media Literacy education for adults, and post it on my blog.  I would have liked to post this presentation on some reform website, but it costs money to join some of these sites.  Particularly the ones I wanted to join like  Maybe I wasn't paying much attention, but I didn't see exactly where it said we were suppose to launch this project and get feedback.  I was under the impression that we were just to create a project that we intended to introduce at some point.  My bad if I got it wrong!  In looking at the syllabus it says one thing, and the Module 4 said another so maybe I got confused.  

At any rate, here is my blog I created for the Computer Mediated Communications class, COML 509.  I invite you to read the other posts, as they might be entertaining.  I don't really like blogs, because I think they are for those who wish to complain more-so than to teach.  But here I am, hoping to make the grade for COML 516 by actually serving up some Media Literacy on a blog!  Go figure!

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