Saturday, November 3, 2007

Asocial vs. Antisocial

The poor quality of communication on the internet is not the result of technological restraints (asociality), I believe it is because those using the internet are not inclined to be ethical due to the freedom of speech allowed by the internet. In contrast, off-line communication should not be negatively affected (antisociality) by CMC because it is not CMC. You can't, nor should mix the two processes of communication. I agree with Thurlow (2004) on his assumptions that asociality could be "cold and unfriendly" but strictly due to the fact that there is no human element of relationship. I also agree that his assumptions about antisociality does affect F2F interaction because CMC is after all, a medium in which to communicate. CMC and F2F are relational to some extent. But they are two distinct forms of communication and should be treated as such.

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